Izel: Hello.
Ilay: Hello.
Izel: Hi. How are you?
Ilay: Good. How are you?
Izel: I'm great.
Izel: So I was, father of 1 and now father of 2.
Izel: Since our last episode.
Ilay: It's difficult to tell the difference, so that's good. It means you're doing okay.
Izel: Yeah.
Izel: I feel very good energetic.
Izel: And, positive.
Ilay: Nice. When it's the 2nd child.
Ilay: it's slightly less tense and stressful, I guess. So you can enjoy it more.
Izel: Yeah. It's really different.
Ilay: it's an update to the version 3.
Izel: Yes.
Izel: So there's a big change in my life. and you talked about that.
Izel: hello, everyone. I guess we can start just, to be on time.
Ilay: Yes. what's our topic this week?
Izel: we are in the 4th episode of our healthy lifestyle conversations.
Izel: And this week's topic is the orders of hydration.
Izel: Basically, I just wanted to talk about the benefits of drinking water and being more may be mindful about that.
Izel: And to understand the reasons why first of all, of course.
Izel: And, hopefully, we will end up maybe drinking a bit more water or just to make that we are hydrated and not dehydrated.
Ilay: It's about the, during the nutrition chats we had before.
Ilay: obviously, it's, a bigger kind of more inclusive title will be like intake.
Ilay: and we have, the food.
Ilay: Obviously, we actually need the water even more.
Ilay: I guess you would agree that we can survive without food longer.
Ilay: then we can survive without waters.
Ilay: And straight ahead, I can ask you because I think that's a common question.
Ilay: How much water should we drink?
Izel: if we will start from how much water to drink, I I would say that it depends the also a lot of different conditions and also, gender also can be, like, parameter how much to drink.
Izel: we'll come to that actually.
Izel: I would like to stress the the facts.
Izel: First of all, the reason also I would like to talk about my invention is that, first of all, our if you see it's from the our volume of our body, 70% approximately is, water, And if you look at from the molecule, wires, I think it's it gets up to the 99 per percent the molecules in our body are water molecules.
Izel: So we are made up made up, from water, and just for the curios, curiosity like, if you see Hey.
Izel: Our lungs, it's more than 80% water, approximately 80 percent, another interesting fact that also I wasn't aware of that our, hard material of our eyes are 98% water.
Izel: although it's, like, I don't know, feels like stolen or something hard, very hard, but it's, like, an 88% water.
Izel: Our bones are actually 31% less than I would expect.
Izel: But anyway, if you if you take the percentage, Approximately, we have 70% average.
Izel: besides the numbers and percentage, of our body molecules, etcetera.
Izel: And the water is very, very critical for our all organs, all cells to work properly, which makes all our systems, to work properly.
Izel: it brings us to the, benefits of getting hydrated, well hydrated, first of all, I would say that it brings us, cognitive ability higher cognitive ability if we are high well hydrated, our productivity, our energy, and also our muscle muscle fuel.
Izel: It's a sort of, fueling of our muscles.
Izel: It's not just the protein or other, nutrition that we get that makes us muscles work.
Izel: And, also, sorting that we can move is smooth.
Izel: It balances our bot, body temperature and, helps to regulate it.
Izel: And also, it's very critical for our blood. it normalizes the the blood pressure.
Izel: which I would say that it's a good idea to drink water, let's say, a, like, practical point that we we will drink water before we take shower so that our blood pressure won't go up too much up it can help to balance
Izel: Just an example.
Ilay: Nice one.
Ilay: I think it's more with the coldest showers where you can have the vessel stream.
Ilay: And then when the vessels shrink, the same amount of water would, apply more pressure on the vessels, and that's that could be hypertension.
Ilay: if it if it's hot, then maybe you can have reduced hypertension. Hypertension.
Ilay: And then having water really increase the volume of the blood, which could then balance the intention on the walls again.
Ilay: that's a good point.
Ilay: I had not actually talked about that, that's why I thought about that.
Izel: If we go to the other side, which I mean is like the from the benefit side to the side of the, like, if it what And I think one of our first, episodes, I also talked about that the first episode that if you feel that you are Thursday, it's a sign of you are already dehydrated you already have the sun.
Izel: You you have the it's better idea to be hydrated and to drink water or, before you get thirsty.
Izel: In order not to get the symptoms.
Izel: if it will talk a little bit about short term effects, like you get dehydrated for a short period of time, it is expected that you, would have, like, a more dry skin.
Izel: You can have some eye problems as I said, the almost on the percent of our the materials that we are having the art material in our eyes is the is the water.
Izel: you can feel that you don't sweat because you don't have enough water in your body.
Izel: it is very critical sweat is one of the ways that you get the toxins out of your body.
Izel: And, also, also, the, body temperature is balanced with your sweat.
Izel: you can have it decreased during, and also dark urine.
Izel: You can understand from that that you don't I'm also from the digestive perspective, you can have more constipation.
Izel: also from your, cognitive ability, you can have a brain fog you can have, like, you can feel sluggish.
Izel: You can feel fatigue. You can hit the field stiffness and joint pain in your body, back pain.
Izel: Headaches also can, like, cause by dehydration. And you can have also low mood.
Izel: We most of the time, we talk about the uh-uh relationship between nutrition and our, brain and the mental health.
Izel: it is also playing your role.
Ilay: It's interesting.
Ilay: Also, I'm guessing all the chemical reactions that the body runs with. Yes. They will need waters.
Ilay: when we when we separate them into systems, systems, and the symptoms, we could go with that.
Ilay: But probably, common ground is is that there needs to be something going on.
Ilay: We need the electric stream to go through the neurons and so on.
Ilay: This is done always with the existence of water. in chemistry is very important.
Ilay: and when this is reduced in different systems, we get different symptoms. that's really interested, interesting.
Ilay: And it's also very central than the water intake.
Izel: On the other hand, I would add another interesting fact that even if you drink a lot of water, you can still be dehydrated since, that you the water you they could take in it's not always getting into your cells.
Izel: the cell hydration is sort of another topic that's, there are some, other, properties that you need to have in your body in order to take the water inside your so that your cells and your systems.
Izel: it's not just about drinking water, actually.
Izel: You need also have a lot of, different electrolytes in your body.
Izel: Sodium potassium, magnesium, calcium,
Izel: There are a lot of, electrolytes, but the main one, the potassium and the, sodium, I guess.
Izel: That are allowing the water, get into the system of the cell.
it's very important to get the electrolyte and let's get into the, maybe it's a practical tip for, getting enough electrolytes and not just water, you can just drink, just an example, coconut water, which has also naturally a lot of most of the electrolytes in it, and also it's a liquid Anad Walter can help
Izel: to have it in the same place.
Ilay: Yeah.
Ilay: because of Osmosis, as far as I understand, for example, the maybe we'll talk about this later on some water filters.
Ilay: we have reverse osmosis filter. Which means it removes everything from the water.
Ilay: if you don't add the electrolytes and minerals in it, when you drink it, actually, it will drain the electron electrolytes from the system because it's like empty and kind of pulls, like a magnet's, those electrolytes.
Ilay: then if I had a lot of that water, I would actually get dehydrated probably.
Ilay: Because it's not getting absorbed.
Ilay: And even having even more side effects of removing the electrolytes, which my body needs that's a very important topic about electrolyte.
Ilay: it's not really just the HO2 molecule to go in.
Ilay: It's everything within the water as it supposed to be
Izel: Since we are, like, like, not just, like, chemical reactions that are happening, and also it's not just physical, like, food gets in and, you know, the the other stuff that we don't need to go out.
Izel: It's also very electric. It's electric.
Izel: it's very important to have the negative positive ions, and these are the true electrolytes.
Izel: But, by the way, as you said, when you have if you have in your household or something that the reverse osmosis system, as you said, that's taking all the minerals out.
Izel: you need to have to add also, like, mineral, to your system that gets, brings back to minerals into your water system when you drink.
Izel: It will help. it's at a very good point.
Izel: we will talk about more practical things also, like, maybe later too, but I would like to mention about the long term effects and risk health risk when you get, for a longer period of time dehydrated.
Izel: I think it's not I don't know.
Izel: For me, at least it was not clear the relationship between, let's say, getting, allergies and asthma and getting dehydrated.
Izel: And the one of the long term effects of the dehydration is getting the allergies and the asthma and you can have heart disease, diabetes and dementia, like, as I said, your your cognition system, the properties can go down.
Izel: You can have chronic pains and not just like occasional headaches or, I don't know, a back pain.
Izel: But you can have a chronic pain every day, and you can have some sort of sleep disorders because of dehydration.
Izel: And also that I set.
Izel: It's also in the short term, like constipations, and These are also partly because of you cannot get the toxins, out of your body through your water intake and, like, proper weight.
Izel: it can get serious.
Izel: I don't want to get, like, I don't want to let everyone is hearing this episode to get or any or episode, getting afraid of something, but it's also important being aware of the facts and the, results that you can face.
Izel: our my aim at least is not in there to get a Fred and doing a lot of water in 2 days, and the third day, you will forget about it, and they will continue.
Izel: the only I just wanted to mention what where can it go go, when you, get dehydrated for a long time?
Ilay: Yeah.
Ilay: I I think also, about the detoxification, when let's say for myself when I was younger, didn't know better.
Ilay: especially when you had quite a bit of alcohol, I think that's when you have maybe enough water yet, let's say, is your it's not the chronic dehydration situation.
Ilay: What happens is for the alcohol to be removed, it needs to be diluted.
Ilay: then it drains water from the body.
Ilay: even if you had a normal amount of water, the excess amount of toxins, alcohol, would need to be removed by removing much more water than if you look at the equation, then you get dehydrated.
Ilay: And then maybe as you said, if it's a chronic situation, maybe then the detoxification is not as healthy as it's supposed to be because it needs to keep the water in for the general health or at least survival.
Ilay: And then we have those issues maybe.
Ilay: as you said, while I was asking, how much water do we need to drink it will depend on other, factors, as you said.
Ilay: you mentioned actually sweating, maybe it's the weather, any toxins that might be in the body and knees be removed and much more maybe we'll talk about it.
Ilay: But that definitely, it's very understandable there.
Izel: Actually, interesting. I I I'm not sure that it's backed by science, but also, when I was, get, like, also, but I was more, I was younger, and I was drinking more alcohol.
Izel: And I was just drinking a lot of water afterwards, not just because removing off the toxins, but the effects side effects of the alcohol I expected. I don't know why, but maybe it will be less.
Izel: And I felt that it helped, but I'm not sure.
Izel: it's, like, really I'm not having having the explanation if it's really helps the side effects of the alcohol like this and this and all that.
Izel: what during it is it's maybe diluting
Ilay: when you have the water afterwards. Yes. It will help, but also with alcohol.
Ilay: it's the same thing as you mentioned. to remove alcohol.
Ilay: When it's diluted, it also causes electrolytes loss. And that actually causes the headaches and so on.
Ilay: In most cases. just having water for the headache, for example, wouldn't be enough.
Ilay: You would still need the electrolytes. but, it will reduce it anyway. Just to also
Izel: I would like to bring some interesting points that, is, I think, also in the science world.
Izel: It's not clear, or I don't know.
Izel: There are different, standpoints, I think, that Not about alcohol.
Izel: Alcohol is the 100% I think is accepted as a dehydrator, but coffee was thought about, like, it's a dehydrator and can be can have, like, the bad effects of dehydration, and drinking coffee.
Izel: But the I I'm not really, a big fan of coffee because I'm not I just don't like the taste, etcetera.
Izel: Not because of the health wise. I never went really deep into the coffee.
Izel: Uh-uh, like the health effects
Izel: I was I was interested, but you would like to bring more maybe data and information about that, but I just read about, that in the last couple of years, there are some, scientific data about that.
Izel: It's actually not a dehydrator, and it doesn't affect the, our hydration, like, level of iteration.
Ilay: Yeah. In general, that's that's the way it is accepted.
Ilay: Needs to be in moderation, with the flavonoids and some other, chemicals in it, actually having 2 cups of, coffee is quite positive.
Ilay: then after the third, it's huge for most people, it becomes more detrimental.
Ilay: But there are two cups of coffee 2 days is widely accepted to be actually quite healthy.
Izel: Okay. how much to drink is a good question?
Izel: There's a, like, a starting point or, like, a rule of thumb, maybe, I would say.
Izel: That the half of your body weight in, in pounds, not in kilograms, that's that's the, amount of water that you need to drink.
Izel: And approximately, I checked it. If you're, like, it's, let's say, 60 kilogram, your body weight, you need to drink, like, two liters of water.
Izel: And if not more, you can click it, through the polls or just, more or less.
Izel: but it is just starting point, as I said. Like, 2 liters. Okay.
Izel: Let's see now, as you said, you cannot know maybe how much toxicity you have in your body and you need to detoxify through the water, etcetera.
Izel: But one of the indication is really the color of your e urination.
Izel: If it's really like, transparent, close transparent, like water, it means that you are, good, I guess.
Izel: And if you have a, like, a dark yellow you're in Nation.
Izel: probably you need to drink more water and get hydrated.
Izel: Other facts are like your diet type.
Izel: if you eat a lot of sugars, maybe fats, etcetera.
Izel: It's Again, you need to drink more water. it depends how much your exercise, your sweats.
Izel: if you lose water, you need to take more.
Izel: it depends as as you said there, your season of the year, if it's, of course, winter or summer.
Izel: and if you are maybe you have an illness or you get any medication, which is also have toxic effects sometimes and also other, chemical reactions in your body.
Izel: there are a lot of parameters, but in general, I would say see your, color of your urination, as an indication.
Izel: and then don't forget about the electrolytes as much as drinking water may because as I said, and I need to repeat, and the it doesn't mean, like, that you drink a lot of water, it will get into your cells.
Izel: And in order to that you your cells that will absorb your water intake, it should have, electrolyzing our body.
Izel: It's, like, solved the potassium, magnesium, etcetera.
Izel: it's a good idea to have checked your minerals that are in place, to help you get hydrated.
Ilay: That's, very helpful. Thank you.
Ilay: one personal experience, again, as you know, I like giving those, examples, is actually when I read many years ago, before I was really into in general health and so on, about the sensation of feeling hungry.
Ilay: And Again, this is quite linked with the nutritional bits, that we also discussed in the previous episodes.
Ilay: but What it said was actually check if what you're feeling is actually, hunger or thirst.
Ilay: And have a few sips of water.
Ilay: And then when I put that in place in practice and tried if it was touched, it was really quite frequently, really a thirst feeling rather than hunger, and it would go away with fulfillment when I had, like, a glass of water.
Ilay: that wasn't just to stop myself from eating and, you know, filling my stomach, but actually just checking what I needed.
Ilay: And it it was, working very nicely.
Ilay: I guess I wasn't having the extra calories I would have, and then, which I didn't need.
Ilay: Sorry. And then I was actually hydrating.
Ilay: And if I'm feeling the thirst, as you say now, and we know now, then it was already dehydration status.
Ilay: So it was a good change.
Izel: And fully think and checking with you about the able to clearly meet.
Izel: By the way, when you eat something, it can get your dehydration can also even get higher with the food.
Izel: if it's lots of water,
Ilay: it depends. Doesn't it?
Izel: By the way, I would like to give some examples also, for your water intake and it doesn't have to be always just drinking water.
Izel: Or together with water, you can add into your water, maybe some lemon juice like squeeze lemon or lime and, to get more electrolytes.
Izel: also, you can pinch of salt. You can add with lemon.
Izel: Because Salt has also a lot of minerals in it.
Izel: hopefully, it would be like, I don't know, like, Celtic salt or Himalayan salt, which is more, having higher values of minerals.
Izel: In it. And, I mentioned coconut water.
Izel: And one interesting fact, actually, I didn't, I wasn't aware of and I just see.
Izel: it's like, just today. we're adding some chia seeds into your water.
Izel: And then waiting that it could absorb the water, like, for 10 minutes and then drink it.
Izel: the good thing about that, that chia seeds are, in releasing the waters, from their system and from the, like, the, from the seat.
Izel: In in after getting into your body is like a slow process.
Izel: you are getting hydration slowly and not just in one second.
Izel: You drink a lot of water, and most of it is not getting into yourselves.
Izel: if you add some chia seeds it absorbs it. and then you can have it.
Izel: Enjoy your hydration through ChSEs more time. interesting point, and I liked it.
Ilay: It's like a slow release tablets then.
Izel: if we talk about right way, the stuff that we can add To mention, that it's a better idea not to drink, like, 2, 3 liters at once.
Izel: but rather than that, to drink less water, but more frequent frequently throughout the day, it is a better way to get, hydrated, for a long term throughout the day, and your system would use it.
Izel: All the time. this is one point, like, how to drink, as an answer.
Izel: And also better not while eating or through the the the eating, because, when you drink water just before the meal and during the meal, and the water is, like, approximately, like, the, the pH level is around 77.4, something around that.
Izel: And your stomach is, as you know, acidic and it helps to break down the food that you are getting if you drink more water just before the meal, it gets the, pH level higher of the stomach and then stomach, works less to digest the food.
Izel: it has negative effects to having water during the meal and just before the meal.
Izel: It's better to drink, like, 30 minutes to having enough water in your, intestines because in 30 minutes, of course, the water will go to your intestines, and it will help to absorb other, like, afterwards the food in a better way.
Ilay: Nice point.
Izel: interesting that I also checked for myself, I just want to share, not a deep, check, but, I I don't like to drink cold water, and I know also, like, in Chinese medicine, it's not recommended, and also they have, like, 4000 years of knowledge.
Izel: but still, when I checked, like, the Western Medicine Science.
Izel: I think there is no real data that's called, like, room temperature, water is better or healthier than cold water.
Izel: And sometimes it even has a good effect maybe drinking cold water because Sometimes the taste of the bottle is not good for people, and they just don't drink.
Izel: if it's cold, you feel less, you can maybe drink more.
Izel: And I'm not just saying it's very or worse, but interesting, that there is no real data, like, it's it's supporting that cold water is not good.
Izel: Just to mention. actually, this is
Ilay: Now the taste is interesting, I think, you know, why many people have cold water, especially tap water, especially in the UK now.
Ilay: People will have 90% of the time, that with ice.
Ilay: And, then, of course, the the test is less actually, this week, I was in, Slovakia.
Ilay: And there, they when they have, even bottled water.
Ilay: when it's too soft, they didn't like it. they they like as a taste hard water.
Ilay: it depends on the culture also. but the it's quite interesting.
Ilay: what makes it hard is is the, thanks.
Ilay: obviously, there are some official, minerals as we mentioned in in the water that will classified it as hard.
Ilay: But then probably there are many additions to make it safe, then which might be there to kill extra bacteria and so on, which is not supposed to be there anyway.
Ilay: there's more bacteria in those waters because they're coming through pipes instead of natural sources.
Ilay: and then we need to deal with that as the biology and the metabolism.
Ilay: but I was surprised to see how a few friends who were complaining how the water was soft.
Ilay: Okay. And they didn't like that. Talking about bottled water.
Ilay: I One challenge I have sometimes is especially in the council when I'm not very familiar about the tap water.
Ilay: If I don't have filtered water with me, if I'm traveling, whether to go with plastic bottled water or tap water.
Ilay: I was actually looking into that. I couldn't find a clear answer.
Ilay: Obviously, with plastic, if it's been there for a long time, especially with sun exposure, that could be microplastics.
Ilay: and the parents of 25 percent of the time, they will be in the water, some microplastics, which is not great.
Ilay: And now with up, also we have some chemicals. We don't know what they are.
Ilay: It could be also coming from, farming pesticides and other herbicides and so on.
Ilay: plus it could be extra chloride, sometimes too much chloride.
Ilay: I was checking which one could be better. I I found the worst scenario.
Ilay: Apparently, in 200715, Pepsi and Coca Cola both, made it openly known that their bottled water is actually tap water.
Ilay: that was funny, in quotes, to to read about, but that's probably the worst.
Izel: Okay. Yep. Actually, it's a really, really interesting topic that's maybe most of the time, we don't think about registering the water that we have.
Izel: but it's, water quality is really, really, I think, critical for our, wellness in long term because we drink it every day.
Izel: All the time. just to mention maybe few things, it's not maybe real.
Izel: I I'm saying that we can have a, another episode just about this topic, which water and water quality But just to mention, maybe we can say that tap water without filtration, it is getting filtration through the the system of the, like, state that you're in, it depends.
But, mostly it has, like, chloride, fluoride, antibiotics, and other medications that just are thrown away and getting through the systems to the water, and not just, like, I hope, intentional outputs, but, they're getting, ending up in the water system, all the residues, herbicides, as
Izel: you said, from the, agriculture and other contaminants, of course, can be bacteria parasites, etcetera, and heavy metals even, are in our tap water and even on the active components.
Izel: there are a lot of a lot of, things in your water that you wouldn't like to have in the every day to get exposed to, but, this is the truth, you can, I think, also check?
Izel: maybe we can share, afterwards, some links that you can check here with environmental group I think there's a website that you can check the the the data of different countries, maybe, not just United States, I guess.
Izel: 1. This is one that I point.
Ilay: I think, I lost yuo for a second.
Ilay: I was just gonna say if if one wanted to look into this a bit more in detail and scientifically, the magic word there is acceptable because they will say this water is healthy.
Ilay: Maybe they did some tests and so on, and that's healthy. That's the stamp.
Ilay: But if you look at the reports, usually those toxins are at an acceptable level.
Ilay: not that they are not there.
Ilay: that's a keyword to look for to see actually for yourself how much of that water do you want in your body?
Izel: Actually, if, I guess we will talk about toxicity in another episode.
Izel: But, in this topic, like the acceptable the acceptable level of any of these contaminants or talks toxic components are acceptable for getting them, like, 1 those, like, between water, you have this kind of, amount, and it's okay.
Izel: But it's not talking about if you get it every day.
Izel: And in the long term, low dose exposure of those toxic toxins, what will bring to your body and your health.
Izel: It's not, they are not mentioning it.
Izel: And, I would yes, that it will not affect your health in a good way if you have a buildup of the it in your body, but we will talk about it maybe in another episode.
Izel: just to mention bottled water, as you said, because it's in inside the plastic, bottles and under the sun when there gets, until you will buy a bottle, it is under sun, maybe a lot of time, etcetera, outside.
Izel: there are microplastics and with the heat, the you drink those plastics.
Izel: And the toxins from the plastics that are getting out, if either, if they're under heat.
Izel: and there is also spring water.
Izel: I'm not sure that how many of us are getting can get spring water, like the natural water that's, goes.
Izel: through the rivers, but there's a risk of contamination there.
Izel: Of course, it's a better idea to check the if you drink a spring water in any country.
Izel: there's a filtered tap filter. you can use some systems.
Izel: I won't get into that that much.
Izel: Although we touched it with, reverse osmosis, one of the systems, to get out, I think here if not most, all the all of the if not all the most of the contaminants, reversals, mussels can, get rid of.
Izel: but then you need to take care of fewer minerals and the electrolytes to add in afterwards because it's also getting outdoors.
Izel: H20 sales. Sorry.
Izel: these are the, the types of the water that you can get.
Izel: I personally use filter tap water. I will my filtration system after some, my checks.
Izel: also, just one sentence about the water that you get into your body.
Izel: It's not just any drink. Actually, when you get shower, Right?
Izel: You'll get a lot of water on your body and through your skin when you get shower.
Izel: on your water system of your house, for the shower also can be critical and can you can maybe add some filtration there.
Ilay: That's very important for my hair health
Izel: also. Too.
Izel: I think that's my most of the points that I just wanted to touch.
Izel: Of course, fruits and vegetables that are more, getting having more water in them.
Izel: I also good, like, cucumbers, radish, there's a lot of lists you can just check-in the or ask AI.
Ilay: one thing about the importance of water again, just to finish with, a topic which, again, probably we can have 2 different episodes on.
Ilay: 1 will be about fasting, and maybe one will be about controlled, positive stress on the body.
Ilay: And with fasting, especially with dry obviously, this is something, not to be tried immediately for long term and so on.
Ilay: you would need to really research that to see what's best for you.
Ilay: There is normally some to be done, and you need to be quite fit and healthy.
Ilay: But when you do that, whether it's religious or or, actually, personally chosen dates and stuff.
Ilay: What happens is when there is not enough water intake, if it's a dry fast, that's maybe not eating or drinking anything at all, maybe for 24, 25, 26 hours.
Ilay: what the buddy does is it kills, then that's that intelligence is is not, understood on how it decides what to do exactly, but what it does.
Ilay: Is it kills either the 6 cells, like cancer cells and some other, problematic cells or cells that are going to die soon anyway.
Ilay: to get the water, that's the main aim.
Ilay: they've tested a lot of things, and the the main aim seems to be to get the water off out of those.
Ilay: And the body knows, and it's quite, it's natural, smartness is is that it doesn't kill any excel to get the water.
Ilay: It chooses specific demand. that's an edit benefit in these, situations to to do that kind of fasting.
Ilay: but then again, that's a fully, fully different topic.
Ilay: But just to give an example of how important the water is, the body heat, even though it's the bad cells, the body is still being caught eating away its own cells to get the water out of the cells that needed more urgently like the brain and art and so on.
Izel: Great point. Thanks.
Izel: by the way, all of our listeners, if you have any questions, or you wanna mention something, you can write it, through the checks.
Izel: We can try to respond
Izel: Actually, you know, they also there's a lot of now until maybe someone would would like to write something and the feedback or questions.
Izel: I also like the water bottles like the smart water bottles that can remind you when to drink and just that you are getting the statistics of how much you drink, etcetera.
Izel: if it's what can help you, you can get one of those bubbles bottles.
Izel: And, also, more primitive one that I just recently tried with my wife, actually, when she was pregnant and now just 4 days ago, we had the baby, in the beginning, I mentioned it.
Izel: And throughout the, pregnancy. She needed to drink more water.
Izel: And in general, she's not, like, remembering, throughout the day it's a drink.
Izel: So I just put like an alarm for every hour.
Izel: And it's just that I'm not sure it's a really positive one, but just to get rid of those that alarm She was really drinking it, so it just helped.
Izel: thank you.
Izel: and putting an alarm every hour, every 2 hours can be a good idea.
Izel: Maybe you can try or, getting a water bottle, which is smart can remind you, how to doing, how much to ring.
Izel: If you have any other questions.
Ilay: Great stuff. we have the link in bio for to get some, PDFs on our, episodes anyone that's interested in getting some summaries and main points.
Ilay: and we also have our website, coreax.com. This is coreacts.com.
Ilay: That's where also we help, you, if you wanted, any coaching, any guidance, during your journey towards a healthier life through healthy life, styles.
Ilay: and So, that's it on my side.
Ilay: Any closing words, is that Thank you very much very great as usual.
Ilay: it was quite interesting. And, also, I think that's a very, again, undervalued topic.
Ilay: Not really discussed a lot. I think that's very important to bring the attention to this.
Izel: Actually, what I was saying also is that, like, it's might not be very a sexy topic to talk about water and hydration.
Izel: It's because for most of us, maybe it's just okay. We're just drinking water.
Izel: But I just wanted to bring it as an episode to having a bit courage.
Izel: maybe it's not a sexy topic, but I think it's really, really critical if you're interested to have a a longevity and good quality of life and, wellness drinking water is very important, also get hydrated through electrolytes and minerals.
Ilay: Now one of the main points is that probably many people wouldn't know what they're suffering from.
Ilay: If there's something from dehydration or bad quality water.
Ilay: it's very difficult to pinpoint sometimes unless you do specific tests.
Ilay: then there are not many people may be looking for answers because they don't really know what question they should be asking.
Ilay: About water. So, again, hopefully, people will hear about this and not need to have a problem to solve.
Ilay: And, that's our aim.
Izel: A bit curiosity and, mindfulness. Thank you very much.
Ilay: Take care. Bye. See you next week. See
Izel: you next week. Bye,
Ilay: Bye bye.