Izel: All the series will be about healthy lifestyle, actually, because this is what we can do for ourselves.
Izel: And today, we'll talk about healthy eating habits. Yeah.
Ilay: I will ask a few things up front.
Ilay: before we start, I think it's it's good to have this list of 3 at least three questions.
Ilay: Is the how, what, and why? not necessarily in disorders.
Ilay: In in in just to make it clear why people would or could be interested in changing any lifestyle, to do with nutrition.
Ilay: And, we see we'll go with what to do, and then maybe we can touch up and on how to do things.
Ilay: and yes, these goal on these.
Izel: Okay. Thanks. First of all, yeah, it's very important to talk about why.
Izel: Why should I change my lifestyle? Because it's requires energy and effort.
Izel: so I would say that first of all, if you have health issues and something, bothers you.
Izel: Of course, you have a motivation to change it to have a better life.
Izel: It can be better and better focus, clear mind, and better performance, or, also having a better emotional balance.
Izel: All of these things are related to nutrition, actually.
Izel: So if you wanna improve one of those, alright, all of them or sustain it, what you have already, and, obtain it for a longer period of your life, it could, it could be a good idea to have a look at your nutrition and make it better.
Izel: And it's not necessarily talking about any specific diet, but nutrition, I see it as a really, a really strong component in our lives to, actually sort of, the, a core of our, energy things that we do in life.
Izel: And I see it very, holistically, actually.
Izel: Which means, it's not just, you know, for many, many years.
Izel: Also, I remember it when I was a child and still it goes like that in some of the and, approaches that that, they are discounting being on the carbohydrates and fats and sugars, etcetera.
Izel: But it's time, I think, to understand it's much more than that, and we can
Ilay: if time. So there's, I think, a little bit of a vicious cycle when I want to, let's say, have a bit of a change in my decision making about what to eat, especially if I'm used to a certain kind of a habitual nutrition, not not nutrition, but 18, let's say, meals, types of meal.
Ilay: And then the vicious cycle I see is we need the mindset. yeah, to do the change.
Ilay: We need the energy to do the change.
Ilay: And how does, how can we break that we should cycle, or is that connected even with the mindset I'm thinking about, inflammation and maybe inflammation of the brain, which which could be relevant.
Ilay: so are these reasons, to actually make the change? Is it as you said, energy is quite obvious.
Ilay: I know you will go into detail. About what we mean by.
Ilay: but with the change in the why, there is also a big steps down of the mindset.
Ilay: So is this a really a vicious cycle, or can we just directly go with it with the decision?
Ilay: What should we know about?
Izel: yeah, there there is all it's not straightforward. Right?
Izel: It's not always in life that we decide and understand something that is good for us and not necessarily we are doing that.
Izel: So here is the, habitual, yeah, components of the, all the issue because, there are a lot of emotional components with anything that we can talk later on And, so it's not enough that we know, the information without the information, although there's a lot of information in the also social media also in internet about healthy eating and controversial.
Izel: so it's a topic But on the other hand, also it's not enough that we have the information in order to the act on it and actually change our lives.
Izel: So here it comes the, coaching is also all about, talking about the habits, how we create habits, how we change, our behavior, actually, because eating is a behavior, right, Yeah.
Izel: I would like to, a little mention about really, how it's connected.
Izel: Our eating habits to our health, if it's okay, okay for you too. yeah. Okay.
Izel: when we see it, the food, as a fuel, this sounds really straightforward.
Izel: I'm eating something, getting energy from it, extracting energy, and using it in my life.
Izel: But, actually, so it's also, goes through that our to to ourselves. We have mitochondria.
Izel: Maybe you remember from the biology core, that's the this is our powerhouse.
Izel: so but there are a lot of a lot of different and complicated systems that, took the takes the food and con converts it to the energy that we need in in our lives.
Izel: So So here, I would like to say that it's very important not to get the fuel only, but which kind of field, the quality of the field.
Izel: You can have also energy from very simple carbohydrates or sugars, which can give you energy. Right?
Izel: But also, there are a lot of much more healthier versions.
Izel: which can also, assure you, we will have for a longer period of time, the energy, And you have, you can run your car on a better field for a longer time and not for a specific time.
Izel: because the simple ones that I will explain further, can also damage your health by giving you also energy on one side, but also damaging your organs cells, etcetera, your systems or model systems.
Izel: On the other hand, there's the whole yeah.
Ilay: Yeah. And I guess when there's damage, then we need energy to regenerate or to heal that damage.
Ilay: Actually, while we're getting in some energy, then we also have an output of energy.
Ilay: And then at the end of the day, I don't know. Depending on how damage causing the food is.
Ilay: Can we end up even with a minus level of energy from how we started?
Izel: Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.
Izel: For, let's say, if you it's very true, you think you you can feel very energetic when after an half an hour, you, you can feel much less than before you started to eat, right, because the sugar spike goes up and then really, faster goes down.
Izel: And you can feel very tired, which happens also to all of us, I guess, so we know about it.
Izel: And also there's a hormonal balance, right, in our body that we have a lot of hormones that regulate our, systems And, also one of them is the, also the, about sugar regulation.
Izel: So if you don't eat quality foods, our organs that secrete those hormones can get damaged and we don't, then we lose our, hormonal balance.
Izel: And in the at the end of it, we will have this regulation of the hormones, and we cannot regulate the sugar.
Izel: And then we can start to have inflammation. And inflammation can goes all sorts of chronic illnesses.
Izel: So this is one way pathway.
Izel: Another pathway, which is very critical about our relationship of our nutrition and our health is our microbiome and gut health.
Izel: Right? so in the last couple of maybe one decade or a bit more, It's the amazing, I think area of research, our microbiome.
Izel: And microbiome is actually the bacteries and all the viruses and all the things that we have in our gut system.
Izel: Right? It starts from our stomach to up to go to the, small Stein and the ball.
Izel: So we have in, in other world there. Okay. This is not also human cells there, bacteria, etcetera.
Izel: They are we are host of them.
Izel: If we don't eat well and, quality foods, if we will give practical, we'll say examples afterwards, but I'm just giving the concept now about the microbiome.
Izel: So if you don't eat quality food, so our microbiome changes towards the a bad guy in our body.
Izel: They can create toxins in our body.
Izel: they can also, create imbalance and also they can harm our the thin lining of our, in intestines, a small intestines, And from there, all the toxins can go to directly to our blood.
Izel: And from our blood, you know, the blood, the, reason that we had the the the also circulation of the blood is bringing all the nutrients to our old cells in our body.
Izel: If it's brain, if it's muscle, doesn't matter.
Izel: So if you have all the toxins go inside the are in test online, through our blood.
Izel: All the toxins can go to our brain and all every organ. And toxins can also damage our organs.
Izel: Let's say if it's brain, if it goes to the brain and build up of the toxins can cause brain fog I cannot focus on the things on my projects, on my family, on my things that I need to do.
Izel: I don't have clear mind.
Izel: and also it goes even to the direction of depression, dementia, Alzheimer.
Izel: A lot of things also, they are related to toxins, one side and also other side inflammation.
Izel: Inflammation of our gut can go to our brain, and cause these kinds of illnesses.
Izel: So it's better that we keep our, gut healthy.
Ilay: Yes. I know from functional medicine, the approach is usually Actually, the the real disease is chronic inflammation.
Ilay: The symptoms are diabetes and depression and maybe hypertension and and even cancer so there's a little bit of different in approach.
Ilay: but in the focus, it's always getting healthy, and it all comes back down to healthy lifestyle and daily decisions.
Ilay: What what just a few more maybe sentences on how they say, the that the that is the second brain.
Ilay: So what is meant with that? So what is the function of the guts that resembles the brain?
Ilay: because that So that resides on the bacteria. Isn't it? So that's why.
Ilay: And the bacteria will survive or thrive. If not survive or thrive, depending on what we eat.
Ilay: So it again directly related in that sense. So what does it mean?
Izel: Yeah. 1st of all, second brain concept comes from the, the, yeah, from from the science that they actually are, nervous system, part of the nervous So, enterics enterics and nervous system is on our guts.
Izel: It's really, living, like, it's related in, it's connected to our gut directly, in connection with our brain, which means that, also they found that once to one signal from brain to our gut goes 10 signals to our from that to our brain.
Izel: Which means that our gut gives much more signals to our brain than our to our body.
Izel: So if we have a lot of inflammation and a lot of issues in our guts.
Izel: It can disturb the the brain directly.
Izel: and so the brain sends signals to our defense system that that there's a there's a danger.
Izel: There's inflammation. There's a problem. So sometimes it goes to the direction of the autoimmune diseases, which means that the body, is going against his own organs, which is One example is diabetes too, and a lot of other issues like MS, this kind of issue.
Izel: So it also starts with the gun.
Ilay: Yeah. Just one last thing about that is also that it it plays a big role in the car immune system and also for model discharges like So that's an interesting one because when we feel down and not happy, we want to put our, energy, mental energy up.
Ilay: Maybe we go for a that or something triggering.
Ilay: Return return does not help with the whole gut system and so on. And then that's another business cycle.
Ilay: So the it's it's The the thing with change, the the difficult thing with change, I think, especially in these habits, most of things are embedded with a vicious like and it's important to know what it is to break it.
Ilay: So that's that's also very interesting.
Izel: Just one last point for why it's a good idea to to to have a focus on our nutrition.
Izel: It's also malabsorption, which means that if they, distract our small intestine. It cannot absorb all the good nutrition.
Izel: Even we have good nutrition sometimes, If we damage our, the organs, so we cannot get them into the our, blood and then the other organ So if you don't have the nutrition, so organs also start to degrade and also it cannot work properly and it goes also all sort of diseases also.
Izel: It's not just inflammation, also malabsorption. It's very important.
Izel: So that's why it's also gut health is from other side is also very important. Absolutely. So okay.
Izel: We talked about actually why we should maybe have a good nutrition, but what is that? Right?
Izel: This is the main question of today, maybe. Yeah.
Izel: This was just, yeah, warm up, why it's important for us?
Izel: Actually, here, I will not talk about, diet types. I know it's very popular.
Izel: There are a lot of different types of, diets which I also applied to myself, to to, in different times, different diets.
Izel: I actually want to be wanted to say is that, let's say, should I eat high carb, low fat, or should I eat high fat and low carb.
Izel: And actually, I will give you an example with how much is it's co it can be complex and sometimes I'm not sure that it really helps.
Izel: there are a lot of two groups that I said that's high, fat, low, carb and high carb, low fat.
Izel: Both of them are saying like camps to different camps. They're saying they can even cure diabetes too.
Izel: And I have this tool is all about, like, you know, carbs, etcetera, and, the balance, sugar balance.
Izel: So both of them are saying, and I I also not just saying, you know, they're also very, database, science based, evidence based, approaches.
Izel: So both of them can be right. They can heal.
Izel: So what we'll do So today, I just want to say that I don't want to talk about how to heal from maybe some disease or something more serious, which is also can be very can be medical issues.
Izel: So we don't talk here about medical issues. And also, we don't diagnose and or give any treatments.
Izel: We don't do that. we are just giving some information that we gather from our experience and also research and it's just to to, stress that.
Izel: So what I really want to say, to give here is what to eat is our my general recommendations about the healthy diets.
Izel: Okay. there will be some, maybe, very practical things, specific things, but to eat, maybe, but also general, approach how really have a behave as a behavior, eating behavior, how we can change our mind.
Izel: Okay.
Ilay: So, One thing and from my experience early on, about this word diet.
Ilay: So the general usage of diet is, I think, is more focused on the what you cannot or shouldn't eat, whereas the healthy eating probably prioritizes what you need to eat, like micronetrium.
Ilay: Micronutrients, hydration, and so on.
Ilay: So if you actually prioritize that action physically during a meal, then you don't should have even physically also spacing her stomach to go for the ones that you don't actually need.
Ilay: So that was my first initial change, for example, personal change even if I did went to buffet when I got in with the, full plate of vegetables, for example.
Ilay: Let's say, an example. You already have a lot less space for anything else you might want to be naughty about.
Ilay: so prioritizing what we need, what your body needs to function well to say away from disease and thrive.
Ilay: And if that's the priority, I think that would all also can have, or the positive effect in a few days.
Ilay: So, yeah, so what are we talking about when we say what the body need?
Izel: Yeah. I just want to mention it's very important, actually, because if you want to have a lifelong sustainable nutrition plan instead of a diet, specific diet, you really need to focus on positive side of it.
Izel: It's very, really important. It's the basis of the, also like coaching process.
Izel: You focus on the positivity and not restrictive or not what not what what not to do, but what we can really do about it.
Izel: So let's start with that. First of all, the first thing I would say, I think the most important maybe is to eat whole foods it sounds really simple.
Izel: Of course, we'll eat whole food at what is whole food, right? Real food. What is real food?
Izel: So what I mean with the whole food is that it gets, the food that we get from the, earth from the, dirt, and which is also get minimum process, okay, because there are a lot of of course, foods that we eat are processed and also ultra processed.
Izel: So it's better to, stay away from the ultra processed food and focus on the whole foods.
Izel: It's vegetables, of course, fruits. It can be meat. It can be dairy.
Izel: Dairy is processed, but we can discuss about that later. I don't wanna get into that.
Izel: specific thing maybe later, but, there are legumes also beans, you know, spices, herbs, a lot of things that mother nature uses.
Izel: Okay. So I would like to start from the to eat from whole food and try to stay away from packaged foods.
Izel: Why packaged foods? They're also the healthy versions of the package pool, but I mean, the traditional ones and also the ones, that, like, ultra process, I mean, with, like, let's say, Margaret Okay.
Izel: a highly processed, fats, canola oil, let's say, which is doing with the heat process and lose not only loses all its, nutritional properties.
Izel: And also, it's it's very giving damage to our body and it can be cancerous.
Izel: Yeah. yeah. I'll talk very toxic to our body.
Izel: And there are a lot of, you know, additives and preservatives and, that is added to the food, also, genetically modified GMO.
Izel: So let's say also say, I'm just eating a cow. It's from the nature.
Izel: Yes, Carl is from the nature.
Izel: But what he eats or it eats can be genetically modified corn, which is really nothing is its nature.
Izel: so, it is just an example. Okay.
Izel: Wholeful is the, I think it's the also basis of most of the, diets, reasonable diets, and no no diets that I saw, got successful with saying that eat processed foods, eat, I don't know, past trees, and eat, salamis, and eat, I don't know, like popcorn traditional popcorn.
Izel: I don't things like that. I don't see any in a diet, that says that. Okay.
Ilay: Correct. Yeah. one thing I had seen on a social media, actually, about Whole Foods and kind of reboot it it would say it was saying real food.
Ilay: The food that doesn't have ingredient to nuts, almonds is almonds. You know, cow meat, meat is meat.
Ilay: And so, obviously, when you cook things you add some oil and so on.
Ilay: So that, I think, in general, summarized it quite nicely.
Ilay: just to make one thing clear, because if you look at, anything package, you buy from a supermarket, especially in the UK, and I look at that very, very often.
Ilay: 5% of the products will include, canola oil or palm oil.
Ilay: so when you said it, it could cause cancer, obviously, so it sounds a little bit scary and a little bit too big to be true when it's so common.
Ilay: so it's not that there is any studies showing it directly causes cancer.
Ilay: But it probably be because of the processing, procedures.
Ilay: And also there are some also cuts that are within the fats like omega 3 and omega 6.
Ilay: These are the fats that have very wrong ratios of very high having very high omega 6.
Ilay: A very low omega tree, which causes high levels of inflammation, which in return is high and high risk for cancer.
Ilay: I think that's about right. Yeah.
Izel: Yeah. Actually, if you wanna really get deeper and check it, you can check with the name Transpads. Okay.
Izel: Transpads. You can check. I think it's clearly, also from traditional, mainstream science also validated.
Izel: If I'm not mistaken, it can be a counselor,
Ilay: like, because it's it's is that available in the in Israel? I don't know. Cause it's not available.
Ilay: It's not it's banned in Europe. So well, the
Izel: trans fact, I think, yes. Uh-uh.
Ilay: So in the UK, that's that's not, available. it's not legal. how great is
Izel: it? Yeah. Okay. So what what, yeah, what I mean is, like, not to use the transfers, actually.
Izel: so I would go, with some there there are some concepts that I would like to share with you.
Izel: can a little bit open your also open our mind and not just stick to specific First of all, I will talk about diversity.
Izel: diversity means in in in the sense of the nutrition is that it can be to, like, some different, it's different areas.
Izel: But first of all, we can talk think about, like, some different groups of the foods.
Izel: as I mentioned, it can be, like, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, and herbs and spices and the dunes and the beans.
Izel: So these are all different groups. Of course, they have a lot of different, nutritional values.
Izel: So we can, so when you eat and plan your day, it's better to die to bring this diversity and not just to to have this diversity.
Izel: yeah, Eli, I don't really recognize it. Yeah. Like, I'm seeing you freeze. Yes. There was a little
Ilay: bit of connection of
Izel: Okay. so diversity is very important.
Izel: I think, also I will mention in the, other examples, but, when you have this diversity, your microbiome that we talked beforehand, have a a richer, like, let's say enrichment's really, it's it's it's you have very different kinds of, you know, micro, bacterias and other, like, both for viruses, it says, not virus.
Izel: It's not, but yeah. you have this microbiome, all the whole world of the microbiome.
Izel: So it you can different, bacterias in inside your body, which can help you with all sorts of different processes in your body.
Izel: so if you don't have this, diversity, So you can have just a group of, microbiome, group of the factories, and then maybe you can, have less function in your body because of this, not having the other types of the bacteria.
Izel: so The second thing is very important and I think easy to remember, to each colorful.
Izel: so it's it's it's colorful means, you know, especially the fruits and the vegetables have a lot of different colors.
Izel: And it comes from the, it's, it's, the, color of the food comes from the phytonutrients.
Izel: phytonutrients have the pigments, and these pigments, it's not just nice to our eyes and catchy.
Izel: Especially. They are very important. They have very different qualities for our body.
Izel: Let's say it can be antioxidant it can be anti inflammatory that we talked about inflammation.
Izel: So when we talked about, this and this can cause inflammation and cancer, etcetera, So the nature gives the answer.
Izel: You have it in your food.
Izel: So if you have, if you can eat very colorful and every day, especially you can do it.
Izel: It will raise your, resilience against all sorts of problems.
Izel: And other thing is to eat his seasonal, which means that, you know, the fruits and vegetables are growing, specific fruits are growing in specific times.
Izel: It can be summer or winter, etcetera. So it's better to stick with that.
Izel: Because otherwise, the foods are growing, not in their natural, time period.
Izel: And they have, I think, less nutrition and also less they are less fresh.
Izel: so nutritional value goes down.
Izel: So even if you think that you eat a lot of good stuff and vegetables, fruits, but still maybe you cannot get, the good amount of nutrition because you don't eat it in its other point is to it local.
Izel: Okay. what does it mean? It can start with your house garden.
Izel: Don't have a garden and you don't grow by yourself, which is, I know, very hard, especially in the in the city.
Izel: so better to buy from the, green grocery. I would call it in English. Yeah.
Izel: Okay. So it's better not to okay. Yeah.
Izel: It's better not to buy your, vegetables and fruits.
Izel: from big supermarkets, which they bring from all all over the world.
Izel: I know that it's nice to have.
Izel: I don't know if you are in Israel to have berries from Argentina or I don't know.
Izel: Aside from Brazil, and other things. I know it's nice.
Izel: and also you think it's, that I I'm not saying don't eat, never ever for say that, but it's better to stick with the local food.
Izel: When you look at food, 1st of all, you also support the ecology because in order to bring all pools and keep them, in the fridge, etcetera.
Izel: we are using a lot of energy and fuel So fuel is not good for the environment.
Izel: this is one point. 2nd point, when you eat local, you support your, people around you.
Izel: So they can, earn better. If they earn better, they can be, maybe, happier and to feed you.
Izel: And you can have a real connection with the food growers if you don't grow by yourself.
Izel: If you have a real connection, it's less probably they can put less the more, things that they can damage you because they they have a connection with you.
Izel: They don't want to harm you because it's your people now.
Izel: So maybe they will use less chemicals, less herbicides, etcetera, all the toxic things.
Izel: There are a lot of connections in local foods.
Izel: It's not just you know, to go to near 1.
Izel: It's good, etcetera, but it's, I think, really can go the, another, point, I would say I know it can be hard, but, to eat organic.
Izel: Organic means that there are no, genetically modified it's not genetically modified and also it's not getting, chemicals when the, they, pesticides you know, the all these stuff are coming just to keep the soil, out from the bugs, etcetera, but they are killing the bugs, but these chemicals also slowly slowly are killing our bodies, then the toxic burden can go up that our body cannot, deal with it.
Izel: Okay? I'm not saying if you eat something, toxic and you will die, of course.
Izel: It's just a matter of many, many years maybe, and how you, manage those toxic things.
Izel: But it's better not to put them the first time to your body. Right?
Izel: But if you cannot buy organic because it's, I know, maybe, it depends on the UK as well, but in Israel, at least I know it's, at least, double price sometimes three times maybe.
Izel: I don't know. So I would recommend to check dirty dosing in environmental group, there's a website.
Izel: We can also put the links and also clean 50.
Izel: Dirty dozen, are the 10, foods that are highly the highest, rate of pesticides they are getting.
Izel: So that they're mostly toxic chemicals.
Izel: They're getting most chemicals when they grow up and the clean 15 are the least. What does it mean?
Izel: So if you don't buy organic, all the, all your food and you you wanna choose specific things, So you can choose the 10, those dirty, dozen foods as organic because they are most, affected from the chemicals.
Izel: And maybe, you can buy less organic from the clean 15, which are anyway getting less chemicals.
Izel: When they grow up. Okay. this is with the organic.
Izel: also they are saying that what's the difference, etcetera, besides the chemicals, I'm not sure about that, but what I read from my research is that's like it's at least 15 up 20, 25 percent more nutritional value as the organic food because the soil itself is less toxic, less chemicals, So when you grow, your food on your less, toxic soil, it can give you more, nutrition and it can keep its nutrition in itself.
Izel: That's all. how we are going?
Ilay: All good. So, I have one question. From the audience because this is now very relevant.
Ilay: just in case if you are not having, if you're are not able to buy maybe organic.
Ilay: do you have any suggestions on how to clean the products, the food that we buy for cleaning supermarkets ideally, it should be organic.
Ilay: Let's say for any reason, it's not possible. Yeah.
Izel: The the chemicals, error around the food, vegetable, and fruits. it's, of course, washing.
Izel: It's under the sink, or or maybe even if it's better, can be to put in a black, vinegar vinegar can clean the chemicals a little bit.
Izel: What is go what but go unless you have a very active life, new sports, etcetera.
Izel: bird can just keeping internal organs that are dealing with, toxicity.
Izel: If you can keep them healthy, maybe.
Izel: Sleeping well, breathing well and also, moving, so you can balance that chemical, and other questions maybe?
Izel: no. I think we
Ilay: can go forward. Yes. Yeah.
Izel: I just thought one question about the chocolate. What can be a good alternative? Yes.
Izel: I thought that would be
Ilay: a good one to to finish it. But, yeah, any time. Okay?
Izel: If you have any questions, we can keep it until the end.
Izel: so other thing is to eat high fiber foods. Okay.
Izel: Fiber is, as far as I know, 2 were good reasons to eat fiber, fiber spoots.
Izel: One is that we talked about a good bacteria in our body that can that is helping us, to try, actually.
Izel: the fiber is the food of that bacteria, good bacteria.
Izel: Bad bacteria eats the sugar, simple sugars, and gives us toxins to our body and back.
Izel: And the good bacteria is eating fiber and giving a lot of good things like, our hormonal system.
Izel: Sometimes some hormones are, are working together the bacteria, etcetera, all our systems, just work with them.
Izel: So it's better to eat fiber because of that. To just to feed our good friends in our body.
Izel: And also, it helps, put a bowel movement.
Izel: So, you can feel better, when you pull, and, also like to get out extract all the things that you don't need in your budget.
Izel: Right. And my bad. Yeah. Yeah. You're okay. So I talked about high fiber. 2 reasons.
Izel: I was doing that. I don't Yeah. I I don't know if
Ilay: you answered that now. I missed the last sentence maybe.
Ilay: I think that would be a good reason to choose eating.
Ilay: Food and also even vegetables rather than juicing maybe. So do you have any comments on that?
Izel: Yes. This is, Yeah. There are also, like, different camps like juice can do.
Izel: You can do clean sis and the green juices, etcetera.
Izel: But, also, there's another camp that they say, don't juice the food and, bring, leave the fibers in.
Izel: I think both of them also right because it depends what you really need in your body on that specific occasion, but, yeah, to keep the fiber is a good idea and From where we get those fibers, I would like to say some concrete examples.
Izel: There are seeds, nuts, and green, leafy vegetables, beans, legumes, all of them are rich in fiber. Okay.
Izel: And, also, if you wanna support.
Izel: We we will talk about supplements a bit later, but if you wanna support, if you need, but actually, I don't really see a big reason to have a, as a supplement, if you eat enough fiber school other topics is input.
Izel: Other, recommendation is to it's not only mine, of course. Fermented foods. Okay.
Izel: so fermentation, ends up with a lot of good bacterias.
Izel: Again, we come back to our microbiome. So you can feed your microbiome.
Izel: fermented foods, have probiotics which is it means like good bacteria in it.
Izel: so you can have, Brian, right, to have a fermented foods.
Izel: a lot of Korean foods, if you're familiar with, also German traditional foods have a sour kraut, kimchi, Japanese also have a lot of fermented foods, they eat a lot.
Izel: But I have to say that, fermented food, I wouldn't recommend maybe only in one specific case that who has a Seebo or who is suffering from that, condition shouldn't start with fermented foods.
Izel: First, they need to balance their bacteria and then maybe eat fermented food in a good condition. Okay? One point.
Izel: by the way, Fermented foods also have yogurts, etcetera, but it depends if you choose to eat dairy or nuts.
Izel: Okay. But if you don't eat dairy also, this culture of fear, you can use also with coconut water.
Izel: And make it fermented. I do not have to have it. Yeah.
Izel: Which is, I think, most delicious, but that's for everyone, maybe. but just to know.
Izel: Good to know. other than fermented foods, I would really recommend to have sprouted and soaked foods, which means like, let's say you wanna just flight and at the day after to eat it, when it gets all the water in, It's much more easier to digest, first of all, and also supported, see, broke all the seats etcetera, a lot of, you can add to our salad when you grow them.
Izel: they have, because they are, sprouting.
Izel: They are fresh, and they have a lot of higher nutritional values.
Izel: So you can, eat just the seeds.
Izel: And when you support them, you just add your, increase your nutritional value from the same food action.
Izel: So it's a good technique. Another thing that I wanted to talk about was to have a, this is really a personal recommendation, but, of course, not just coming from me, from months.
Izel: I believe in that. I think it's a good idea to have periodical changes of your diet.
Izel: Which means let's say you are using ketogenic diet for a period of time. It's very good.
Izel: It helps you with high energy, etcetera.
Izel: But after a year, let's say, you can change to a a bit more, higher carb, carbohydrates die.
Izel: Why? Because because when you eat specific diet, as we talked in the beginning, it's restrictive.
Izel: You don't eat the group of, foods. In that diet.
Izel: So if you change them after a year, let's say, and start to add other things, 0 diets in the other direction, So your microbiome, will, I think, say, thanks for that because good bacterias can only survive when they have diversity and different food.
Izel: So on the energy wise, ketogenic diet can be very good for a period of time.
Izel: It can be able to effect on your body.
Izel: You can heal from, let's say, I know a functional medicine doctor itself was with MS.
Izel: He couldn't even walk and he, healed himself, with specific diets, and then now he can run.
Izel: He can swim really. It's, he had a MS disease auto auto immune condition.
Izel: So it can be very terrific, but I'm saying, I'm not sure it's a good idea to have it for a whole lifetime period of time.
Izel: Of course, we can check with your buddy.
Izel: If we will come in a minute to that, in intuitive eating, you need to check with your body what is good for you.
Izel: Of course, I'm not saying just to divert and just to be, to have different, foods to force yourself to eat something that don't feel good about, let's say, milk products are like that for me right now at least.
Izel: So I'm not saying force ourselves, but, it's a better idea to have in your mind, video changes, variety of foods, divers, talked about.
Izel: Okay?
Ilay: one thing. Okay. I don't know.
Ilay: so this is all coming down to actually our ancestors, maybe hunters and gatherers.
Ilay: But they also had to change their diets depending on the season and even the year and where they are geographically fit.
Ilay: They've been traveling. And in in a couple of years, probably they will be in a fully separate place, which offers a lot of, different options.
Ilay: so that's that's a nice thing to imagine that you decide on things.
Ilay: if we were still gathers, hunters and gatherers, The second thing about the healing effect and so on, there is, I think, science to show almost all popular diets.
Ilay: Including exclusively carnivores to, vegans and vegetarians. people have benefit from all.
Ilay: It's just that you need to do the research and maybe the trials to see which is the one for you.
Ilay: So this is the thing. So it's not just one would, you know, heal everything.
Ilay: It's it's much more complicated than than than that.
Ilay: one last thing on that about the change and so on.
Ilay: Maybe it's kind of seasonal where I diversity change is are you going to talk about fasting?
Ilay: A little bit because that is also true.
Izel: Exactly. I would like to, give the word to you in the fasting because I think you have a more also research and also experience with that.
Izel: But I just wanted to connect it from that point of it's not just good for your, bacteria also to, to give us a price to your body in your system.
Izel: This surprise effect is in itself. It's good for your immune system.
Izel: so it's also connecting to, I think, fasting from one perspective like this that you are just, giving a surprise to your body, surprising your body, and it has a good effect.
Izel: But please go for, it's a it was a part of, my, yeah, points to have a, yeah,
Ilay: very good point that actually this would be defined probably as a positive controlled short term stress.
Ilay: So the fasting is that, and maybe changing your diet totally from vegetarian to carnival, I don't know, is controlled, positive, but still it will be stressed for a while for the body which we which will make you benefit from increased heating capacities, more resilience, and and and strengthen the immune system as you may So another one is breathing.
Ilay: some bit of kind of techniques is also similar approach. But also fasting.
Ilay: So with fasting, as long as you have a certain amount of fat usually above 6%, which is a number most of the population would have, then, you actually have energy to survive.
Ilay: But when you don't eat, you kind of trick the body into saying that there's no more food coming.
Ilay: And then that's, also, there are levels, of benefits depending on how long you would pass.
Ilay: So intermittent fasting is very popular.
Ilay: For example, common ratio is to having an eating window of 8 hours and then having all the nutrition and calories in that 8 hours and not the rest of the day.
Ilay: so that will, turn on your immune system to work on killing the cells that you don't need, and you will also turn into more ketosis which means you start burning fat instead of sugar when the blood sugar, incoming sugar is reduced or not coming anymore, which is also good for, having higher quality fuel energy and also very good for your brain and brain functions.
Ilay: which might be connected. I was mentioning the other day.
Ilay: So there's this Alberto Velaldo, has a book saying grow a new body.
Ilay: So he's talk he's been with shamans and healers for decades.
Ilay: And he mentions on some studies actually ketosis and ketones is what the body needs to go into alpha states and feel the one that and have a a deep meditation and so on, whereas if you have sugar to burn, for energy, then the brain doesn't go there.
Ilay: So it's all interconnected Just just the word there. Yes.
Izel: Alright. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. so, I would add also to to have a mindful and intuitive eating, which means that it's not just what you put here to your body, but also how you put it.
Izel: And when you put it, even with whom you put it, right?
Izel: there's a social component on emotional components when you are very angry, very stressed new eat it.
Izel: You cannot digest it very well.
Izel: So it has a diverse, like, the other side, them to have them to just absorb them.
Izel: Also, they can have a bird your digestive system when you're under stress.
Izel: So, so when you are mindful when you eat before you eat before you start, where is end, and you can just maybe a couple of brief before you start to eat just to relax and have a, concentrate on the food.
Izel: Man, man, when you have a gratitude that you have the food on your plate, it can give raise your, the good hormones to just, to to even help your digestive system because when you are under stress, your nervous system is, like, under, just survival mode, and then you cannot touch as well.
Izel: So it's very interconnected. So it work on your mindfulness and in 2 to 18. Also, it's very important.
Izel: I think as I said, if you don't feel that something is not good for you, just I think don't do it because this just written in research or is El said or Eli said, doesn't matter if you don't feel that your body is sending signals that it is not good for you.
Izel: just don't don't eat it, I think.
Izel: But remember that if your conditions are changing, you can also react to that specific food in the future time in a different way.
Izel: So you can maybe eat when your microbiome changes, let's say. Afterwards, maybe you will eat.
Izel: So don't take it out, like, totally from your diet, but just have a taste. No.
Izel: So, like, we have, I think it will, conclude it soon.
Izel: So just, to remind that, we have other lifestyle factors than nutrition, which are affecting also nutrition, which are like movement, sleep, good quality sleep, stress, management, breeding, and also have a good relationships, with the people around you.
Izel: And also, you have when you have fun and recreation in your life, actually.
Izel: You also lower the stress, more serotonin, more, oxytocin also. So you have better hormones to be happy.
Izel: And you can digest better and absorb the full better. So you have more energy back.
Izel: so it's very important those connections.
Izel: And we talked about fasting, but we not really mentioned about supplementation and detox because it's very also popular.
Izel: I just want to say about that. Some small thing, one point. Like, supplements, I see it.
Izel: if you see, if you see, like, people say, why we need supplements.
Izel: We have a we eat a good balanced diet. Terrificates. Right?
Izel: But still, I think supplementation can be good for you.
Izel: of course, with your doctor, etcetera, you need to talk.
Izel: But, in general sense, why because the food that you're eating even organic is coming from the dirt from the soil, which is not the same from 100 years ago, 1000 years ago.
Izel: It's the same nutritional effects like vitamins and the, minerals, etcetera, from the same food, when you ate it 100 years ago.
Izel: So supplementation can be a good idea.
Izel: If you need it, you know, we can check your vitamins, minerals, etcetera, and see if it's you need a supplementation.
Izel: and detox, also the same.
Izel: If your body is under a really toxic effect, which can also can be tested with the functional medicine testing tools.
Izel: maybe you can do some detail. there are like more serious ones which takes months.
Izel: There are some small ones that, you know, just a weekend of, green juice or something like that.
Izel: Water, fasting. just check with your doctor, of course, if you need.
Izel: but I'm not saying it's you have to do it.
Izel: But if your body needs, you can add it to your nutritional life.
Izel: last two things from my staff, and then we can maybe just have some questions.
Izel: It's been an hour. with all the general recommendations that I talked until now.
Izel: I just want to say that really good, therapeutic, nutrition plans especially I know the under the functional medicine because it works on that, but can be also from other, places, but just to know that nutrition can be, a really healing tool, even, not functional medicine doctors practitioners are giving it as a treatment, okay, just have a nutrition plan.
Izel: So it's not a good balanced life, which I'm not going deep into that, but maybe other, time we can talk about different therapeutic plans.
Izel: And the last thing, but not least, for my for me to say about nutrition, because when we say nutrition, we always focus on our what we eat or not to eat, but it's very, very, very, very important that you are hydrating your body.
Izel: So you need to drink water And a lot of also you can get minerals from, let's say, I don't know, coconut water has a lot of, electrolytes which can help also to your body to move to your older, blood cells 70% if I'm not mistaken, your body is water.
Izel: So if you don't have the electrolytes and water in your body enough, none of your systems will work properly.
Izel: So it's better a good idea to drink. And how much do we get set?
Izel: I'm not going to the details, but just remember that I think, which is, I think, very critical also for myself.
Izel: It was if you feel that you are Thursday, you know, it means that you are already, dehydrated.
Izel: So it's better not to come to that point.
Izel: It's better even not to be dehydrated that you feel thirsty. And listen to your body.
Ilay: Yes. Very important. listening awareness slowing down, feeling the feelings, even after is is sometimes really, foreign to us if you're actually running, running, running, if all the time just doing instead of, you know, being.
Ilay: so that was a good point, in the list. Thank you for the whole list.
Ilay: Just one, thing that I'm fascinated about is how these systems are always interconnected.
Ilay: And then that's why we need a series of talks and chat instead of just one.
Ilay: so even in nutrition, there is the topic of acidity, and also, for example, if you want to build muscle, you might have the best, guts health and you might having the ideal amount of proteins, but if you're not having enough sleep, then you won't be able to build as much muscle as you want to.
Ilay: We talked about toxicity coming from plants and so on, but toxic stays the general is a big issue because we have chemicals in our cleaners, chemicals, and cleaning materials in in the house and so on.
Ilay: And even in, some air filter Yes. And and depending on the material and the quality that I'm online.
Ilay: Mental health, all all connected question was about fasting.
Ilay: And, the duration we would suggest, first of all, it's very, very personal, especially for females.
Ilay: so it's a little bit different as we should be aware of our circadian rhythm and actually eating time and so on is also very relevant to circadian rhythm with its ongoing up and down and and so on.
Ilay: menstrual cycle, is also very important.
Ilay: So for females, and the hormonal changes during the month. we require only for most females.
Ilay: 16 hours is the suggested highest amount of time to have the fasting. Window.
Ilay: so I would suggest if you're starting, start maybe with 12, which is not too difficult if you finish, at 9 PM, which is slightly late, or even 8 PM, 8 AM or do you have 12 hours?
Ilay: Maybe go with that, for a week or plus and see how you're feeling.
Ilay: And then add an hour every other week or every 2 weeks or every month.
Ilay: it doesn't really matter because there's something for the long term, and you don't need to do that every day.
Ilay: even twice a week, we'd have benefits.
Ilay: And for males, they can take it further easily, more safely, as long as you don't have any condition, the profit, and well, you can do even 2 days, 3 days, fastings maybe once a month in addition to a couple of days of 16 hours, for example.
Ilay: Now how to break it fast was the other question in the same comment. Yeah.
Ilay: Is actually read something that, well, hide.
Ilay: This is not not dry fast thing that when we talk about intermittent fasting, usually would have water and drinks without calories, classically, black coffee, or tea, but usually herbal teas will have a few calories.
Ilay: So that might break the There are also other, things maybe for another chat.
Ilay: It depends also on the reason of fasting because sometimes we can add even butter or coconut oil and so on and which will be still beneficial, depending on the reason.
Ilay: There are three, four reasons of why you might want to fast.
Ilay: so what to break the fast with would be probably in low glycemic index, foods, that will not, upset your stomach.
Ilay: So not nothing too acidic. Nothing too heavy and so on.
Ilay: simple possible or simple fruits, or some nuts, but especially with, all those small amounts to start and then take it easy into upcoming hour, maybe.
Ilay: So these are the basic, suggestions. as I was saying, listen to your body.
Ilay: There's no reason to push too much too fast, if you want this to be a lifestyle change.
Ilay: Just a couple of comments is that maybe on how to change now.
Ilay: What would be step 1 or step 2? What how can we do something tomorrow?
Izel: Yeah. good question. Finish up with. Yes. Yeah.
Izel: And thank for reminding that, because, to talk about is very nice, but if you don't act on it, it's really less meaningful, I guess, because it doesn't help your health just to talk about.
Izel: so thank you for that.
Izel: first of all, I would say, I think it's can be easier, to start with hydration, which I finished with, just maybe to have a, alarm on your phone that's every hour just for one time, in the day, just start with.
Izel: And when you hear the alarm, you just take a a glass of water and to just increase your amount intake.
Izel: But just to remember, in general, how to change, from the coach perspective, I went to start with small state, not just to to from tomorrow, you know, you eat 20 colors and then, every food that you find in your store, for diversity and then fermented food and also same day.
Izel: You soak and sprout foods, you know, everything we talk, not to to do it yesterday tomorrow.
Izel: but just to maybe pick one of them, which may be interesting for you or maybe fun a little bit.
Izel: I don't know. and if not, the most necessary, that's you here for yourself.
Izel: Start with that just to try, to put a reminder and, yeah, and just try to make it creative, maybe, and, fun a little bit, go to a health store, maybe, just to have a tour don't buy anything.
Izel: Just be there. Feel it. how it feels like to be in a healthy health store. I don't know.
Izel: be careful with the package tools in the health store, but I mean, you know, and look to the colors, and then feel it.
Izel: And then maybe a week later, start to buy one thing. Small step.
Ilay: Great stuff. we have to answer this question because we did promise a healthy version or equivalent for chocolate.
Ilay: So that was one of the questions that we will finish with that answer, please. Yes.
Izel: 1st of all, chocolate, the cacao the main ingredient is very healthy if it's like even organic, etcetera, very healthy in the chocolate.
Izel: so it's already healthy.
Izel: First, so there are some alternatives inside the chocolate help, chocolate worlds, you know, not without milk, without sugar, etcetera.
Izel: So I'm not sure to talk about that, but, I would say just to concentrate on how do you feel when you eat chocolate and try to maybe also feel and on your body, the sensation of what chocolate gives you when last time you had the similar one, maybe, that you didn't have the job.
Izel: Maybe to have your friend or spouse.
Izel: I don't know your kid, or I don't know what, or to walk in the nature. I don't know. Anything.
Izel: so maybe you can replace it, not replace it, but just to make it more less chocolate and more, on that same or similar sensation.
Izel: Great.
Ilay: Yeah. Great insight. Thank you very much. I hope everybody enjoyed this as much as I did.
Ilay: and I we will see our audience next week same time, and then we will let the topic we'll let them know about the topic during the week.
Izel: Yeah. Also, if he talks about a lot of things, so I would like to also give any of the things that we told.
Izel: And, you can, we will uploaded it to the bio of the core act, the, like, the Instagram account or core acts account.
Izel: There will be a link. You can go get insight and also, to to have that PDF file.
Izel: It will be there. Soon, not yet, but soon. And, also, I would like to say that, yeah.
Izel: So, also, I would like to say that first of all, it's really, really was amazing for me to start with this, conversation.
Izel: And it's a part of our dream to have a community around a healthy lifestyle.
Izel: So it's just a beginning and start. So I hope you enjoyed it.
Izel: Thank you very much for contribution questions and being here with us and our further, things that we can, maybe, provide you, you can see in our website, wwwcorex.com, or, also in Instagram, we post some of them, stuff also there.
Izel: Thank you very much.
Ilay: Perfect. Thank you. Take care.
Izel: Bye bye. Thanks. Bye.
Ilay: Bye bye, everyone. Bye.