

 Health Disclaimer:

You acknowledge and agree that the courses, coaching, and community services provided by CoReACTS are for informational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for professional mental health care, medical care, or financial advice. The services are not designed or implied to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any condition or disease, determine your health status, or replace professional medical care, mental health care, therapy, or financial advice. Consult a physician or healthcare professional for concerns or questions about your health. CoReACTS Coaches and representatives are not acting as medical professionals, nutritionists, psychologists, psychiatrists, financial advisors, or similar professionals unless expressly stated otherwise. The website does not provide medical or counselling care and should not be construed as such.


The information on the website is solely at your own risk, and you should not rely on it as a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not disregard or delay seeking medical advice because of information on the website. You are fully responsible for your well-being, choices, and decisions. CoReACTS disclaims all liability for any injuries or consequences resulting from your participation in the courses, coaching, and community services. No advice or information from CoReACTS or the services creates any warranty, and CoReACTS is not responsible for any undesirable outcomes.


Coaching is an unregulated industry, and the CoReACTS Coaches are not licensed by any governing body but are certified through prestigious entities.


Not all activities, courses, coaching, and community services may be suitable for everyone. Before engaging in any programs involving changes in behaviour, lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity, or exertion, consult with your physician to ensure you are medically fit to participate. You participate in these programs at your own risk and waive any claims or causes of action against CoReACTS and those providing the services for any injuries sustained.


Comments and ideas from your coach are intended to aid you in achieving your defined goals, and any actions you take based on the information are your own. Results are not guaranteed, and CoReACTS makes no promises or guarantees regarding specific outcomes.


Career and Financial Content Disclaimer:

Regarding career or business aspects, your Coach does not promise outcomes such as increased clientele, profitability, or business success. CoReACTS, its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, interns, subsidiaries, suppliers, service providers, content providers, or licensors are not financial advisers and are not liable for any injury, loss, claim, or damages arising from your use of the services or any products procured through the services. This includes lost profits, revenue, savings, data, or similar damages, regardless of the basis of the claim.


The website does not provide personalized financial advice or act as a financial advisor. The materials and information on the website are for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as specific advice tailored to any individual.


The services do not provide investment, legal, or tax advice, and nothing offered as part of the courses, coaching, and community services should be taken as such.


Discuss any financial opportunities with your attorney, accountant, financial professional, or other advisors. The educational materials and information presented on the website are not intended for specific individuals but for a general audience.


You are encouraged to consult professionals for personalized financial advice; nothing on the website should be taken as financial advice.


Confidentiality and Technology Disclaimer:

Your Coach will protect your information as confidential unless stated otherwise in writing. If you report abuse or threaten harm, necessary actions will be taken, and confidentiality may be limited. If ordered by a court, your Coach may provide information or testify to the extent required by law.


The use of technology, such as email, text, phone, Zoom, and other platforms, is not always secure, and you accept the risks associated with confidentiality. You are responsible for any loss or damage to your property resulting from accessing content through Coreacts.


Testimonial Disclaimer:

Testimonials, real-world experiences, and insights about CoReACTS are presented for illustrative purposes only. They do not represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results. The testimonials depict what is possible but do not guarantee specific outcomes.


In summary, the services provided by CoReACTS are for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional mental health care, medical care, or financial advice. CoReACTS disclaims liability for any injuries, consequences, or claims resulting from the use of their services. Consult with professionals in the respective fields for personalized advice. The website offers health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional information for educational purposes only, and the financial information is intended for general informational purposes. Individualized advice should be sought from qualified professionals.