
I want Change.


I deserve

to feel better, think better, look better, perform better, and love better.








We are happy to discuss the right next step for you as you embark on your journey; whether it is starting with coaching, just learning the basics of a balanced and healthy lifestyle, enrolling on a course or a combination of these, we offer resources and support for every stage of your health journey. 

Book a free discovery call



Learn more with our courses

If what you are missing for a change towards a healthier life is information, you can learn through our courses and implement as you learn.


More support via One-On-One / Group Coaching

If you need support integrating what you learn from our courses or what you already know, coaching can help you take action, change behaviour with a healthier one and turn it into a habit.



Private Community

Best way forward in any journey is surrounding oneself with others that have a similar focus and sharing your experience while learning and practicing.

Hey there!



Read our story


CoReACTS Framework


CoReACTS embodies a holistic approach to health, personal growth and well-being, combining essential elements for a fulfilling and balanced life.

Coherence represents the harmonious alignment of mind, body, and spirit, fostering inner peace and clarity. Resilience reflects the inner strength and adaptability to overcome challenges and bounce back stronger.

Awareness emphasizes the conscious presence and mindful engagement with oneself and the surrounding world. Concentration signifies the focused attention and mental clarity to enhance productivity and achieve goals. Taking action embodies the proactive mindset and the courage to pursue meaningful change. Sustainability emphasizes the commitment to long-term well-being, both for oneself and the broader environment.

Together, CoReACTS serves as a guiding framework for personal transformation, empowering individuals to thrive and make positive impacts in their lives and communities. 


Lifestyle & Mindset 


We believe that a healthy lifestyle is essential to improve and optimize our physical, emotional and mental health. With increased energy levels and a sense of capability, we can eliminate our limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that hold us back from being our real selves.

Our most authentic self will lead the way to full self-expression and self-actualisation. This is a journey where our potential meets our action, and our intention becomes our manifestation.  This is a place where we thrive and grow to be limitless.

The more we let our authentic self "come out", the more we live in peace and joy by responding to our surroundings as who we really are and not as expected to be. When your body, mind, heart and soul are in harmony, nobody can stop you from being the best version of yourself.


This is real freedom and power. Even super power :)






Find the motivation to live life more authentically through compassionate connection, curiosity and balance.

Book a discovery coaching session

What our tribe says about us


Recently I moved abroad as an Expat with my family. Unstable times come with struggles. The coaching process for me was not just about planning my life but mining my soul for a deeper understanding. Izel has the ability to ask the right questions. He was the foundation stone in my journey. We built my new way of life together. The foundation stone was the 'right questions' that needed to be asked. Bricks were the answers and exercises that we have managed to come up with.

Many people can be a coach but just few of them can serve as the milestone in your life. This is a god given competence only few can enjoy. If you are struggling with a sense of restlessness due to uncertain times, Izel will help you find a path for your life. He has a natural talent for coaching due to his powerful sense of empathy. He is not just a man of books and guidelines but a visionary.





I simply cannot find the words to describe how thankful I am to Ilay for helping me find myself, understand myself and show me a different way of thinking. Before Ilay, I was lost and feeling a sense of loss of control. I could not understand what was happening and why I felt like that. Not accepting and not understanding my feelings was the worst thing that happened to me. I was stuck in the same vicious circle. With Ilay, I analysed a variety of my emotions and ideas which kept me stuck. He created a safe space where I could feel comfortable, be honest, listen to and understand my feelings. After that, I started to understand myself more and to feel calm. I can say that his services healed me, and the result is relaxing and eye-opening. I am not the same person, and I am experiencing more love for myself.  After sessions, I feel like I can find solutions for every problem, and It motivates me to manage my life.


"In our conscious and mindful lifestyle that we strive to maintain, nutrition has been one of the areas where I faced the most resistance. Through the education and coaching process I undertook with Izel, I gained a lot of knowledge both in terms of creating alternative options with nutritional value in everyday life and technically. Along with the coaching sessions, I embarked on a path that allowed me to internalize this knowledge without mechanizing it, thanks to the energy of our beautiful and sincere group. This process, which led me to question myself and look at my relationship with food, and to witness the relationship people around me have with nutrition, had its ups and downs and moments of great difficulty, but it always came back to the most important topic we discussed: BALANCE, which was very beneficial for me. It made me feel more peaceful and better. It became a safe path for me to find my own balance and make my own truths a habit. 🙏🏻

When our training ended, I could confidently say to myself: 'I am someone who easily makes alternative choices for a balanced and healthier mind-body-soul unity.' The power of choice is within me." 🤍




"A Good Coach Helps One to Find the Answers Within”

As I pass through this period of my life, all I need is warmth, trust, a sense of value, and guidance on the appropriate steps. Everything was so much easier with you, Izel.

I feel lucky to know Izel and know he is at a message distance. 




 T. P.


At the age of 40, I thought I would feel all established, settled & happy. Instead, I found myself questioning my professional life, the relationships with my mother, daughter & husband and even questioning if I did truly grieve after my father’s death. Ilay has been coaching me for 9 months, now. I have someone who holds up a mirror to me so I can see things that I have not realized before. I feel much more content at work, not taking people's actions or comments, and events personally. I even find myself coaching my colleagues to find their clarity. At home, I used to have a 4 years old daughter in love with her father, sometimes leaving me aside like a stranger. I remember coming home from work, drained, fed-up & unhappy, hoping my husband would take care of our girl so I could rest a little. Finding inner peace at work and learning how to slow down, I feel much more vibrant and happy now. I can feel how she changed her manners, even from the hug she gives me when I come from work. Our relationship with my daughter certainly flourished. Getting out of my comfort zone scared me a couple of months ago. Now I enjoy this ride. And I’m so happy to have Ilay as my company & coach...


Gökay Balcı

I started having sessions with Ilay when I was trying to open a new page in my career. I believed it would reduce the stress I was about to face during the new challenge. However, I wouldn’t imagine I was at the dawn of a zestful and transforming journey.
In a nutshell, Ilay detected the patterns in my life which were holding me back from my true potential and brought them to my awareness. He guided me on being aware of the automatic programs that run through my nervous system and kindled a curiosity about my authentic self which was buried under these auto-programs. On top of that, he helped me to define my core values that I had never paid enough attention to before and named truly.
In this period, I started to feel self-compassion for the first time in my life, had a glimpse of self-love, and eventually started to feel myself rather than thinking of myself and creating self-images constantly. Now, I don’t have a distance from my true self anymore and this brought me in more connection with others as well. What’s more, I started to take things less personally day by day.
Not surprisingly, thanks to this new conditioning in life, my relations with my wife, daughter, sister, parents and friends have been transformed to a healthier and deeper level.
In short, through Ilay’s coaching, I owned the faculties that my soul needed, instead of what I was egoically thinking I must get in the beginning.
For all these, I can't thank Ilay enough for his endless compassion, patience and energy.

Learn about us and see more testimonials here

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Illustrations and branding by Reysi Kamhi